Frequently Asked Questions for
Spiritual Guidance
Are you going to tell me if you see something bad?
First of all, to see something “bad” would be to judge, and I believe that there is opportunity in everything that happens in our lives. Therefore, I may alert you to a possible undesirable outcome so you may change it in advance or choose see it in a positive light if it does occur.
Nothing that a psychic sees is “set in stone.” You always have the power to change your future.
Will you tell me when I’m going to die?
Absolutely not. You will make innumerable choices in your lifetime, all of which could lead you in new directions. How would it serve you to have this type of information implanted in your memory? It would not. My purpose is to help empower you, not program you or frighten you. I don’t even tune in to that kind of information.
How do you know you aren’t communicating with a negative spirit?
Because I can see and hear them, and because I also have Spirit Guides of my own that I know and trust, I have developed an identification/verification system for all spirits who approach me. I have also found that if I ask a spirit if it is from “the Light” and it is not, it will simply disappear. In my experience, there seems to be a universal law in which spirits are unable to lie when confronted directly.
Can you contact my loved one who has crossed over?
Usually I can, but sometimes (rarely) I am told an individual is “not available” and I honor that. Sometimes I’m told they are “busy” while other times I am not given a reason. Typically I can arrange the communication in advance – when we schedule our session.
Can you tell me if I should get a divorce/quit my job/move to another state?
First of all, I will never “should” on you! My intent is to guide you toward alignment with your Soul/highest Divine purpose within the situations you have created and or are creating. We are multi-faceted beings with many choices and opportunities. To answer “yes” or “no” or tell you what to do would not serve to empower you. Our lives are not that black and white.
Tarot Readings
Know that Tarot is just a guide
A tarot card reading is a tool for understanding what is going on in our lives and to help us expand by connecting to a greater universal consciousness.
Tarot card readings reveal possibilities. It’s an outlet for creative expression, self-reflection and exploration. It is not a way to predict your future. You determine your own fate in life!
Does Tarot seal my destiny?
Nothing seals your fate or destiny. Tarot makes suggestions about your life path and your journey. It’s about possibility, what could occur if you choose to stay on the same path. Tarot card readings present choices and encouragement. Tarot isn’t really about showing you the future…it’s more a reflection of your current state of mind and a guide map to help navigate through life’s choices.
What kinds of questions can I ask?
You can ask almost any type of question, covering any area of life or personal development. The question can be about the past, present, or future, about your life, relationships, business, career, finances, or personal development. If you ask about the future, please be aware that your future is not predetermined, and many things may affect or change it, including your actions and decisions and those of others, and random events. The future you will see is only what can be predicted based on events and energies that are already in motion, and represents the most likely future based on the path you are on now. You can always change what you see, and so can others.
Because tarot is designed to represent all aspects of life, there is really no question you cannot ask. However, there are a few questions we cannot answer, for ethical and liability reasons. Because I am not a trained doctor, lawyer, or investment counselor, I cannot answer questions of a medical, legal, or investment nature. For these questions, I recommend you seek the assistance of a professional. So for example, I am ethically and legally required not to answer questions such as whether you are pregnant, what stock you should invest in, or whether you should sue your employer. However, I can help you with other aspects of these situations, including emotional and personal issues, coping strategies, general courses of action or alternatives analysis. Please read my Code of Ethics below for more information.
Finally, the question you ask should be about you and your relationships with others. Doing readings that are solely focused on another person is considered unethical and may invade their privacy.
What if I have questions about the reading afterwards?
Please feel free to e-mail me with your questions at
I will usually respond within a day or so.
Is it possible to have a reading over the telephone or in person?
Is there an age restriction?
Yes, you have to be 18 years of age or older and would require permission of the bill payer (if having a telephone reading)
Our Code of Ethics?
A tarot reader's personal code of ethics protect both you, the client, and me, the reader.
Code of Ethics
1. Will honestly report what I see in the reading, and will do my best to provide helpful interpretations of any card that may come up, good or bad.
2. Ensure that my clients are aware that their actions may affect the outcome of any reading and that they know they have free will and the responsibility to exercise it.
3. Will not give legal, medical, or investment advice, nor any other professional advice for which we are not qualified.
4 .Will not conduct readings on anyone other than the client, or any other reading which violates my personal ethic.
5. I will do readings in such a way that they provide help and assistance to all involved. Readings will be compassionate and responsible, and will offer solutions to problems. If it is not possible to answer a question without actual or potential harm to the client or others, the question will be rephrased or the reading declined.
6. I will be honest, prompt, friendly and respectful in all communications and transactions with my clients.