
You  dream of success, We make it happen.

Chhaya Pattni is a qualified hypnotherapist with extensive experience and registered with the GHSC and GHR. Chhaya graduated from the Innervisions School of Clinical Hypnosis which is one of the Uk's leading training providers.


Chhaya has been fascinated with self development techniques for a number of years and now has a mission is to make a difference to the lives of others as a way of “giving back” to society.

Hypnotherapy has also shown her the phenomenal power of the human mind, and by harnessing this power, the positive effects it can have on our lives.


Behaviours, thoughts and emotions all manifest from our own personal life history's. Some events we may have forgotten and maybe the reason why we think, feel and act as we do.


Therefore she is now committed  to sharing her skill with openness and a genuine desire to help you achieve your aims and make those all important changes to your life.



It is often successful when other, more conventional methods of treatment have failed.

Hypnotherapy means the use of hypnosis for the treatment and relief of a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms. It can bring relief to existing conditions or to change areas where there are issues. With hypnotherapy it is possible to work with and transform the thoughts that lead to self limiting beliefs - mainly this is achieved through using complete mental and physical relaxation and visualization techniques. It is vital to have the cooperation of the patient.

Hypnotherapy is completely natural and safe and there are no harmful side effects. When administered by a professionally trained and skilled Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner the benefits are long lasting and often permanent. It is often successful when other, more conventional methods of treatment have failed.




Again, the answer to this question is hypnotherapy can help “virtually everyone”. Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a person’s inner potential and that probably no one is performing to their actual potential, then this answer is literally true. However, it is not just potential which Hypnotherapy is well placed to address but also one’s inner resources to effect beneficial change. In this regard, it is the innate healing capacity of our own body that may be stimulated by Hypnotherapy. Consequently, the list of problems which may be amenable to Hypnotherapy is far too long and varied to catalogue but certainly includes:stress, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, unwanted habits and addictions (e.g. stopping smoking, overeating, alcoholism), disrupted sleep patterns, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, fear of examinations and public speaking, allergies and skin disorders, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Additionally, it has proved of value within surgery, where normal anaesthetics have not been practical, in the wider sphere of pain management and in the areas of both sporting and artistic performance enhancement. As an adjunct to other counselling techniques, it can also assist in helping to resolve relationship difficulties and be useful within anger management strategies.

Hypnotherapy can help with most things, including physical conditions, we treat the person and not the illness and in most cases the illness is relieved or even cured. This list is just some of the things we can help with. If your condition is not listed, please contact me to discuss





WHEN? Are you eating when you're genuinely hungry, or when you are nervous, bored, stressed, hyperactive, happy, sad, lonely, frustrated, anxious or afraid?

WHERE? Are you eating while watching TV, at the computer, out with friends, while reading, during coffee breaks, commuting to work, at sports events, at business lunches, social events or in bed?

WHY? Are you eating when you need love, a reward, or for companionship? Perhaps it is for something to do, to change your activity, to relax, to compensate for something unpleasant, to feel more important, to feel more secure, or instead of sexual attention



WHEN YOU STOP SMOKING.. Studies have shown you can expect:


20 MINUTES AFTER YOU QUIT - Your blood pressure and pulse rate return  to normal.

8 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT - Oxygen levels in your blood return to  normal.

24 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT - Carbon monoxide has been eliminated from  your body. Your lungs start to clear out the  mucus and tars.

72 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT - Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes  clear out and your energy levels start to  increase.

2 - 12 WEEKS AFTER YOU QUIT - Circulation improves throughout the body,  making walking and exercise easier.

3 - 9 MONTHS AFTER YOU QUIT - Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems  get better as lung function is increased by  10%.

5 YEARS AFTER YOU QUIT - Risk of heart attack falls to about half that of  a non smoker.

10 YEARS AFTER YOU QUIT - The risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a non smoker and risk of heart attack falls to the same as a person who never smoked.

and MUCH, MUCH MORE......


We can help with the following;

Irritable Bowel Syndrome,  Smoking, Cessation,  Weight Control, Panic Attacks,  Insomnia,  Stress, Nail Biting,  Depression,  Fear, Phobias, Self Confidence,  Fertility,  Child Birth, Anxiety,  Tinnitus,  Guilt, Bed Wetting,  Anger,  Migraines, Exam Nerves,  Sexual Issues,  Stammering, Public Speaking,  Allergies,  Fibromyalgia, Sports Performance,  Childhood Issues,  Blushing, Relationship Issues, 

Breast Enlargement,  Dental Issues,......

If you would like to know more or are interested in booking a session

please complete the enquiry form or alternatively please call us on


Approved Practitioner

Chhaya Pattni is approved and registered by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. The GHSC withhold very high standards and code of conduct.